Ecclesiastical and Benefact
How do we use film to embed a new brand identity and drive culture change across an international financial services company?
Ecclesiastical and Benefact
Ecclesiastical and Benefact
For many years we’ve worked with Ecclesiastical – a charity-owned, specialist insurance company. We’ve made many pieces of work for them, working closely alongside their leadership team to make short films that arise from strategic thinking, embedding the very thing that differentiates them – their specialisms.
Most recently our brief was to make two new brand films to launch the Group’s and Trust’s new name: Benefact. Their story is a simple one but incredibly powerful. A group owned by a trust, united by a common purpose – to give all their available profits to charities and good causes. The brief was – why do they do it? Why are they different?
The brand film we made for the Group features three people who’ve directly benefited from the charities supported by Benefact. This wasn’t an exercise in making the company look good. The company is good. The job of the film was to both explain and motivate, reminding the individual companies within the group and those on the outside, what it is that drives Benefact. Making a tangible difference in the lives of others.